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http://konigsmorder.blogspot.com/2018/01/dude-wheres-my-omurice.html http://konigsmorder.blogspot.com/2018/02/some-more-omurice-and-bit-of-raiding.html |
Getting the new artifact gear
From the look of it, the new artifact gear may well be every build's choice. The increase in outgoing dps can go as high as 10%, the same goes for the outgoing healing. The former is good for tanks and dps, the latter is good for healers. As a combat HR player, I find the new set to be very attractive because I'm one to mix dps with Oak Skin. In fact, it should be a no-brainer that combat HRs should be going for either buff-dps or CC-dps. Ofc you can opt for pure dps, but you'll definitely lose out.
One thing I'm interested to know is how to purchase the new set after 3 am SG timezone. There are two possibilities if you're to ask me. The first is copying the Underdark format where you fight through the latest epic trial to get the currency needed. Another possibility would be using the new Omurice currency obtainable via the quest together with the existent totems and/or riches. Ask me and I'm gonna hope for the latter.
One thing I realised about the professional crafted Chultan gear currently is this: There is indeed a market for such gear. The reason why being that getting a level 460 gear requires quite a bit of grinding. A recipe costs 2400 riches. If you wanna gear your alts, this should be a good investment stopping short of using trade bars to get the pilgrim gear. However, this means you'll most likely need to have a gondhammer since 4 epic professional assets added together would only give you 60% success rate (that is if you want to have a lvl 430 gear instead of a lvl 420 version).
Why I'm stating this is very simple. I won't be surprised if purchasing the new artifact gear requires a combination of old and new Chultan currencies. Maybe even the professional materials as well if there's anything to go by via Mod 10.5 and 11 (read: gear restoration).
RIP Lightning Bolt?
I assume transcendent lightning is officially nerfed if my interpretation of this post is correct. Let me copy and paste the vital statement if you're too lazy to read through the whole thing (because it's really that long).
[Classes and Balance
Weapon Enchantments and Multi-Proccing
Various powers, across many classes, have been adjusted to trigger one weapon enchantment proc per target, per activation. (Example: A single activation against 5 enemies can proc up to 5 times.)
Various powers that previously did not proc weapon enchantments at all have been updated to properly proc them.]
I assume that if we're talking about transcendent lightning enchantment, it means a single activation against 5 enemies can chain up to 3 times for 5 times. Going by this example, it means the number of times you can trigger shock chaining should be 5. This would have effectively nerfed lightning very badly when it comes to any rank below transcendent. For transcendent and unparalleled ranks, this becomes a matter of whether you're an AoE dps build or a single target dps build. Traditionally, the latter case deals better dps. In other words, the control wizard thaumaturge is effectively screwed here unless we're talking about a class features synergy of Evocation and Eye of the Storm (for Spellstorm Mage). For Master of Flame, the dps should be much better because the MoF is your standard AoE Harry Potter blowing up Molotov cocktails right into Professor Snape's face. The problem is, MoF isn't exactly the most dps'y CW available in-game. Slotting in the lightning means better dps, but it will most likely still lose out to a Spellstorm dps build with a vorpal (don't get me started on Eye of the Storm when it comes to vorpal of any rank).
The great weapon fighter is most likely effectively shafted here. This class isn't exactly known for an effective AoE game, so the nerf to shock chaining means a nerf to damage. And any great weapon fighter should know what damage does for this class. The damage return doesn't look like a buff, no matter how I see it.
For the combat HR, this is where the best part comes. For pathfinders, you can forget about using it. Pathfinders are not exactly the sharpest nukers. But stormwardens are. In fact, stormwardens have one of, if not the best AoE dps game. Like ever. You have Twin-Blade Storm doing a constant dps proc. If you prefer an all-rounder approach at the expense of crowd clearing dps, you can opt for Blade-Storm and Aspect of the Pack. The damage will still be more than decent. Just that the latter class feature would result in dps giveaway (something which works very well in any party raiding, so it's actually your call). I have no intent to switch down Clear the Ground, so what this means is that the changes to transcendent lightning won't affect Arylos. In fact, the non-proc version should result in a better dps game overall wise. This is not to mention the presence of Skirmisher's Gambit (read: constant dps versus crit hit proc where lightning versus vorpal is concerned).
Ultimately, the major catch lies in Blade Hurricane no longer spammable under this circumstances. Because the shock-chaining got nerfed, it also means the encounter power cooldown got nerfed as well. So yeah, better stock up on the rank 9 silver enchantments in case you wanna do a trial and error. On the flip side, however, it means I can up the AoE damage for Clear the Ground this way. Because weapon enchants tend to proc upon encounter power usage, it remains to be seen whether transcendent lightning is really that useless.
Note: Transcendent Lightning may still favor single target dps builds who are less reliant on encounter power procs. In other words, archery HR.
Add note: Justice oathbound paladins may also benefit in terms of the dps. But that's provided we're talking about a maxed out Purifying Fire feat.
Class (re)balance: What this means for you
It's official. Perma stealth TR is officially dead. At least that how I see it. The saboteur dps has always been about going stealth modal. A non-perma stealth saboteur can still deal good damage. Just that not as much as a perma stealth build because the TR dps tends to be maxed during stealth mode.
[Shadowborn: This feat has been changed to the following effect: Whenever you enter stealth, your next encounter or daily power deals an additional 5/10/15/20/25% damage as physical damage.]
If above statement isn't an obituary written for perma-stealth TRs, then Kelemvor would like to be your friend. No matter how I see it, saboteurs are officially nerfed. Note that this is taking into consideration the fact that the stealth meter now refills at a slower speed unless you decide to do a Lurker's Assault.
[Tenacious Concealment: This power now grants 20% Stealth Loss reduction and 5% Stealth Regeneration at each rank.
Tenacious Concealment: This power no longer grants Stealth Regeneration while taking damage.]
^ Further bad news for TRs. ^
[Smoke Bomb now deals an extra tick of damage. Damage for each tick has been reduced to compensate for the extra tick.]
^ Quite likely Smoke Bomb will be nerfed overall wise ^
So what this means is very simple: Chances are that the TR is now in a stage of transition. Stealth mode is still a vital part of the dps. But it seems that TRs are now less dependent on stealth dps. Which makes this class easier to use, but harder to master.
For the DC changes, they don't affect Cyrea. The reason why being that they're either bug fixes or acts of rebalancing where anointed champions are concerned. If you're running the DO, you're not gonna be affected. At least not that much. Also, Hallowed Ground is officially nerfed. From 40% damage buff to 35% damage buff. Apparently, there are plenty of DC players learning (?) from yours truly by using the typical sun elf Chosen of Corellon.
As for scourge warlocks, this has to be the greatest buff job I've ever seen. Not since what anema did to the HR have the relevant players ever display this face below.
Trust me, SW got buffed. Big time. However, it seems that most of the buffs are focused on the temptation tree and hellbringer. Below are the more notable ones. In my opinion, that is.
[Aura of Despair: Now also causes enemies to take 5% increased damage.
Darkness: Now causes enemies to take 10% increased damage from you.
Soul Bonding: Allies now deal 20% increased damage to targets affected by your Warlock's Curse.
Soul Bonding: Now passively grants 10% Life Steal Chance.
Soul Bonding: Now causes Warlock's Bargain to heal nearby allies for the full amount.]
This is for temptation.
[Pillar of Power can now critically strike.
Pillar of Power: This now grants 75% of its normal buff value to allies who stand in it.]
This for hellbringer.
I can foresee more hellbringer templocks in the future.
Stacked? Dream on!
This has got nothing to do with Playboy and the Sun's Page 3 girls. I'm referring to same effects stacking during any given raid. Previously, you can run two DCs and stack 2 Weapons of Light effect. The same goes for any feats related to the relevant righteous feats. In other words, too much righteousness can break the game. In fact, there were moments where I wondered whether stacking 2 Weapons of Light would break the game.
It's not just the righteousness of the DC though. Even the underhanded TRs were guilty of the same thing.
[Shadow of Demise: This effect now only takes into account the damage dealt by the Trickster Rogue who applied it, even when several are applied at once.]
Which is a good thing. I mean the change above. Can you imagine using Shadow Strike to stealth refresh? Power rating bonus of 100% plus armor penetration bonus of 25% upon stealth mode. Let that sink into your head (minus the dying part ofc).
However, it seems that the stacking ban only applies to the offensive end. As for the identical defensive buff stacking (i.e. two virtuous DCs instead of one), it seems that only the assault firearms got banned (read: nothing is said on the identical defensive buff stacking).
Which now comes to what manner of offensive buffing can be used as substitutes. For starters, renegade CWs would be more in demand. Then you have Hawkeye, the best offensive buff any HR can give you. Aspect of the Pack is decent, but it's not exactly the best dps giveaway welfare in-game (but it does give plenty of muscle to any hdps teammate within range, though) As for Dark Revelry, I guess the current change is only there to slightly offset whatever inconvenience caused by the "chance to proc upon lifesteal" proc. Doesn't mean it has stopped being the dps orgy feat every templock would like to have, though.
Misc changes
[Campaign tasks to create keys now award a key instantly, then go on cooldown.
Cloaked Ascendancy: The "Secure the District" and "Resist the Rituals" tasks no longer consume all of the player's excess currency.
Genie's Gifts can now purchase currencies for the Maze Engine and Storm King's Thunder.]
The first part is a much-welcomed change. Who'd be so masochistic to enjoy waiting for 10-12 hrs just to get a key? The second part is even more welcomed. Currency burn in the TCA campaign has to be one of the most annoying things you get in the game. As for the third part, I can only hope Genie's Gifts can purchase voninblod. Seriously, that thing is the reason why Storm King's Thunder has to be the worst grind in the game. Like ever. And don't get me started on the poor reward system ala the next Icewind Dale.
At the same time, loadouts now apply to mounts and active companions as well. It's about time. Now I can afford to use Ferocity in open PvE and Ruthless Efficiency for raiding where Arylos is concerned. Or whatever.
[Hunt trophies and lures have been adjusted in the following ways:
These items are no longer unique, as such more than one can be held in your inventory at a time.
These items may no longer be mailed.
Please note:
Hunt trophies and lures do not stack, as such in order to hold on to two of the same lure, you must have two free inventory spaces.]
In Port Nyanzaru, you can be guaranteed people in the trade channel would always offer like 1 greater mark of potency for any tier 1 or 2 hunt trophies with the tier 3 ones going for 1 superior mark of potency each iirc. If you still don't know what this means, it means more GMOPs and SMOPs offers in the trade channel. At least that's how I see it.
[New Masterwork Profession Recipes
Additional quests and recipes have been added for Masterwork Professions! Grab some new Explorer's Charts and pick up a quest from your Stronghold, which will give you access to Volumes IV and V of your recipe books.]
I don't like the sound of this. Not after those twenty pieces of hard aberrant leather.
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