Come to think of it, maybe it's really true that the ancestor of the Kuok clan hailed from the Eastern Han dynasty.
To my beautiful legal housebreaker, you've been notified. ;)
I decided to add a master of flame
Inspired by my family (and the sibling rivalry of sorts in the Kuok clan), I suddenly have half a mind to create a master of flame control wizard. Or rather a mistress of flame. To make my ambition count, however, I'll need a couple of things.
1. Fury of the Feywild pack. That will cost me like 5000 zen.
2. The moon elf race unlock.
To make point 2 possible, I'll need point 1. However, I'm not gonna be stupid enough to burn 5000 zen for that.
![]() |
Unlike my beautiful legal housebreaker, I don't have MasterCard. |
Assuming the absurd really happens...
The initial plan is to create a female moon elf character. As a master of flame, my choice of paragon tree will be the renegade. Choice of stats bonus will be Intelligence (+2) and Charisma (+2) since there's no point for me to choose the +2 Dexterity option anyway (with that being said, I'll most likely do a race reroll on Sheallyn Melarn if I can have my way due to the Menzoberranzan Renegade race option).
Karrienn Le'Quella
Moon elf
Choice of skill set:
Chilling Cloud; Scorching Burst (at-will powers)
Icy Terrain; Shard of the Endless Avalanche; Steal Time (encounter powers)
Fanning the Flame (spell mastery)
Oppressive Force; Furious Immolation (daily powers)
Combustive Action; Arcane Power Field (class features)
Choice of heroic feats:
Controlling Action (5 pts)
Weapon Mastery (3 pts)
Fight On (5 pts)
Wizard's Wrath (2 pts)
Learned Spellcaster (5 pts)
Choice of paragon feats:
Reaper's Touch (5 pts)
Energy Recovery (5 pts)
Arcane Burst (5 pts)
Uncertain Allegiance (3 pts)
Abyss of Chaos (5 pts)
Phantasmal Destruction (4 pts)
Nightmare Wizardry (5 pts)
Masterful Arcane Theft (3 pts)
Chilling Advantage (5 pts)
Chaos Magic
A/N: I don't why, but I suddenly felt inspired by Carrie "her name made famous by the King" Wong. I blame her ice-queen facade in some of the Mediacorp dramas, most notably that current one which may have made my workplace SGH more famous.
A/N: I don't why, but I suddenly felt inspired by Carrie "her name made famous by the King" Wong. I blame her ice-queen facade in some of the Mediacorp dramas, most notably that current one which may have made my workplace SGH more famous.
And now onto the fiction
["Your Grace, you called for me?"
Chuckling at the irony greeting both ladies of noble standing, the leader of New Sharandar knew how much higher House Durothil ranked above House Winterwhite. One was a major political power in Evermeet, the latter being a mere ghost of Iliyanbruen's past.
"Cut the formalities, Cyrea," smiled Merrisara, "We both know who is the better before Corellon's sight."
"I find the company of inferior folks more comfortable than staying in Evermeet," sighed the sun elf, her wistful gaze looking towards the sky, "No offense intended, Merri."
"If I recall correctly, the last time we met was prior to you joining the Lords' Alliance. I still find it unbelievable that your friends there still hope to forge some kind of diplomatic relationship with Evermeet."
"I'm the only member of House Durothil here in Faerûn. It's only natural for them to do so."
"Mercantile politics as always."
"I doubt you're asking me here to reminisce about the old times," her visage turning serious, Cyrea knew something was amiss when the elves of New Sharandar requested for Neverwinter's aid. As a people within the Feywild, it's only right for them to request aid from Evermeet instead of uncertain allies. And Dagult Neverember happened to be such an ally.
"I asked you here because I believe in the need for you to know her," replied Merrisara, a somber look adorning her features, "That maiden who slapped the hero of Neverwinter earlier on."
"If you want to apologise to me, there's no need to do so," answered the Ar-tel-quessir, "It was Arylos' fault in provoking her. He has always been harsh towards others because he knows no other way to express himself."
"Never hiding when it comes to defending your lover," smiled the moon elf much to Cyrea's blushes, "Certain things will never change."
A brief pause ensued, Merrisara's words suddenly puncturing the silence.
"Your lover reminds Karrienn too much of her father. And we of New Sharandar feel the same way as well."
"But they're unrelated," commented Cyrea, "Arylos is an Or-tel-quessir, not part of the Teu-tel-quessir."
"The Moonless Knight," whispered Merrisara, "That was the title I conferred upon her father due to his demeanour. Celadaine used to be the finest warrior New Sharandar has ever known. Perhaps not even the original kingdom of Iliyanbruen would have such a hero within its borders."
"I overheard your gate captain mentioning his name earlier on. Seems that this hero is an unpopular one," giggled Cyrea. The Coronal of New Sharandar, however, didn't share the mirth.
"I said 'used to be' for a good reason, Cyrea. He's still alive, but now he breathes as a traitor."
"I'm sorry... I..." not knowing how to respond, Cyrea found herself at a loss for words. When was the last time she was dumbfounded in this manner?
"Arylos resembles too much like Celadaine. So much that it cuts into the heart of every elf of Iliyanbruen. That silent fury, a master tactician's ability, and his mind of steel... you must forgive Karrienn for losing it. She detests her father for his betrayal, yet she still idolises him for his unrivalled capability. Simply put, Karrienn can never be the kind of legend Celadaine was prior to his fall."
The starless night was haunted by screams of tortured souls, the lone Teu-tel-quessir cared not for his victims' plight. He was reviled as a traitor, yet who was for him when the betrayer was, in fact, the one betrayed? His retainers deserved every bit of their eternal punishment at the hands of the dark fey, for they caused the death of his only beloved.
A single whisper of her name was more than enough to plunge him into a hell of his own, yet Celadaine could only maintain a stoic facade. Not because he's forced to, but rather that was how he lived his entire life thus far.
"Lord Celadaine..."
"Speak and begone, redcap. I find no pleasure in the company of those like you."
Tamee felt like slicing open the moon elf's throat, yet she knew what would happen if she tried. Her fellow powrie had attempted the unthinkable hours ago, his lifeless body flayed and eaten by the trolls as a result.
"It's been confirmed. The hero of Neverwinter has arrived at New Sharandar."
As expected, gloated Celadaine as he kept his cards hidden before ally and foe alike. That wicked witch who dared call herself a Coronal indeed chose not to make contact with Evermeet. For if she was to do so, King Malabog would have his hands full. He knew the pact between his liege and that untrustworthy Valindra Shadowmantle, such a move would have high chances of arousing unwanted attention beyond the boundary of Feywild. Yet, there was a reason why such a decision was made by the enemy. The elves of Evermeet would never concern themselves with matters beyond their own borders, for the spectre of Amlaruil Moonflower's abdication and subsequent disappearance still loomed over them.
As the redcap powrie took her leave, the Black Knight of Malabog remained seated with the grip on his sword tightened. Not only did things go his way, that one person he desired to meet the most has made himself known.
Yes, Arylos. You are my right hand, the only sword I truly need.]
P.S: Because there's no point forcing myself to do things which I may never finish, I decided that any post involving the Neverwinter Six saga fiction-wise will be labelled accordingly. Also, the next edition of the Forgotten Realms settings will be dark and full of terrors.
Add P.S: My sis has yet to show signs of letting me off when it comes to bandwidth gluttony. I suspect she knows something which I've suspected about myself a long time ago.
And yes, Arylos is inspired by Archer. Period.
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